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With a system for building vehicles that mirrors the character creation process (e.g., four attributes, ARMOR, trait like upgrades), anyone already familiar with FIST should find this supplement to be straightforward to implement.

It’s visually evocative of the core FIST book as well, featuring a simple but effective use of color accents. The same could easily be said for the writing. The upgrades and tools available for the vehicles are all great with short, punchy descriptions that add character as much as they do a mechanical benefit.

Plus, there’s plenty of room left for players to be inspired and add their own customizations.

Fisticles is an expansion that gives more nuance and depth to vehicles in FIST. Think of it as The FIST And The Furious.

The PDF is 7 pages, with a layout that mirrors the core book's style perfectly.

The biggest change Fisticles makes is giving vehicles stats, which are rolled instead of the driver's. Vehicles also have upgrades, tools, and frames, which give them roughly the same capabilities as an average character.

Per the author's notes, this is intended to give the PCs a single shared super-vehicle, but it can also be used for a more car-centric game if everyone takes their own vehicle.

The actual upgrades, frames, and tools lists are well-designed, useable, and weird. There's also some neat mechanical tension in choosing either to leave your vehicle in the repair bay for the duration of your next mission, or take it hot into the next op with missing armor and hp.

Overall, this is a really solid expansion if you want to add some more vehicle-oriented depth to your FIST game. And if you've been dreaming of running your own Fast And The Furious TTRPG, this may be especially worth the look.

(1 edit) (+1)

This is a gorgeous document with fun, easily implemented rules that merge intuitively with the core FIST ruleset.  It both "feels like" core FIST and has it's own voice.
I dig it!  Excellent entry to the JAM, and a really strong start for your Itch account.


Thanks!! Very high praise indeed, and feeling like it fits is exactly what I was going for.